It's everything.
Liveblogging Dancing With The Stars
01 omg i am so excited! only five stars left! and performances by michael buble, susan boyle, and SABRINA BRYAN!
02 encore dance: Joanna and Derek’s futuristic paso doble... pretty crazy. and totally amazing choreography. derek’s hair looks awesome.
04 this paso has everything! it’s so awesome. Hough Hefner and his girlfriends are in the audience.
04 last night’s leader board
50 aaron & karina, donny & kym
51 kelly & louis
52 joanna & derek
59 mya & dmitry loving dmitry’s pornstache. he rocks it.
07 let’s get some results! first couple safe for the semi-final: joanna & derek. duh. aaron carter looks nervous, dmitry looks hot!
09 ps so you think you can dance is on also... mary murphy is amazing!
12 kelly: i love you, louis van amstel. awwww so cute!
15 michael buble! who is gonna be dancing? it would be great if he was better looking, because i definitely think he’s talented and love his sound. jonathan, maks (looking hot, duh), cheryl, and anna d.
18 the pro dancers are so talented! they make it look so easy and fun.
18 jane seymour in the audience. she’s fierce.
19 next week each couple will do three dances!
20 the next couple safe: mya & dmitry. again, duh.
21 amazing! sabrina is explaining the design-a-dance: we picked her out of sixteen stars, chose the paso doble, the song (“eye of the tiger”) and designed the costume! i can’t wait.
25 dance center with kenny mayne. funny. joanna is hot, donny is excited and energetic.
27 bruno and donny having an affair? dumb. aaron “rapped with Shaq” and he’s a crybaby. sooooo gay. no, really, soooooo gay. and they’re totally calling him out.
28 OMG it’s happening! and she’s dancing with mark OF COURSE!!! this is heaven.
30 costumes are pretty hideous. but sabrina has it ALL! she is so into mark again; their chemistry is unbeatable.i bet mark is so excited to be dancing with someone so competent again.
31 wow! killer choreography! totally crazy. the best two minutes of my life thus far. jane seymour is stunned.
34 michael buble doing “feeling good.” amazing song... hahaha i once did a dance to this choreographed by will angulo!
39 the next couple safe: donny & kym. that means that aaron carter might be going home. :(
45 susan boyle. i am nervous about this. it’s sooo strange! the crowd is going WILD! i mean, i get it that she has a nice voice, but i just don’t get it.
46 at least tony is dancing during this hellish moment. awww and he’s dancing with chelsie! that’s cute. ok this is old.
47 i think this is just a big joke. but tony and chelsie are dancing their faces off!!! he is so strong; very sexy. i wish
48 i wish he had his shirt off. susan boyle gives me and kim the willies. she has a debut album coming out? oh christ. now more dance center.
50 mya is an accomplished dancer, they’re right. and kelly cusses like a sailor, which i like.
53 dance center pics mya as the winner! interesting... i think she will win too.
54 time to find out who is eliminated... my heart is beating so fast! ugh, commercial break
58 ok let’s find out who’s going home... nervous! aaron and karina. BOOOO!!! i love aaron carter!!!
00 awwww len’s speech to aaron! so cute! i am tearing up!