Finally, a credible source ( has explained to the masses just what it can be like for those of us in the foodservice industry. Everyone who eats out at a restaurant should read this article!!!
I have never in my wildest dreams imagined a video quite like this one. Lady Gaga & Beyonce's Telephone. The strangest, wildest, most far-out nine minutes and 33 seconds of my day. Nay, my life.
Butch lesbians. Prison. Yellow hair. Dancing, cooking gays. Wonder Woman. "Let's Make A Sandwich." Costumes. Pussy Wagon. Diners. Hair shaped like a phone. Jai Rodriguez. Choreography.
Please check it out in HD, it's totally worth the wait for it to load.
Curious about how many Tweets have been posted? Well, lucky for you, there's a counter that tells us just how many Tweets exist in the universe. See it here!
Reading Wikipedia articles is one of my favorite pastimes, and it never ceases to amaze me how much information is out there. Some of my favorite topics to read about are airplanes and airlines, the British Royal Family, Orders of Precedence, natural disasters, and small towns that I've been to.
Last night, while reading about the first topic mentioned above, I stumbled upon this fascinating image. It shows basically all of the commercial airline routes for the entire world. Who sat down to figure that out and make a map of it? I'm not sure, but it's pretty awesome.
If you're looking for a new pair of glasses, I recommend heading to your local For Eyes where you can apparently get two complete pair for $99! I'm basing this recommendation solely on their latest commercial, which you should check out below.