Sunday, March 1, 2009

Crush of the Day: Dustin Lance Black

I've had a week to really think about it, and my initial response has been confirmed: I'm in love with Oscar-winning screenwriter Dustin Lance Black.  To be completely honest, I didn't really know anything about him until the Oscars last week; I was lucky enough to see Milk a few days before the awards show, but the screenwriter's name didn't really stick with me.

Anyhow, he's a doll.  In addition to writing Milk, he's done a few other feature-length films, as well as being a credited writer for the HBO show Big Love.

Defamer has complied a "user's guide" for Lance (as his friends call him), which is quite helpful in answering some general background questions.

Oh, and my other suspicion was correct: he looks great with his shirt off.

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