I have heard and read all the hype the last few weeks about this apparent American Idol super-contestant, but I wasn't sure what to believe. I finally caught an episode of Idol tonight and all I can say is, well, the hype is true. Adam Lambert is unlike any other contestant in American Idol's history; it's difficult to say exactly why, but it's some kind of unique combination of an incredible voice, wicked style, a great face, and a true knack for performing. And a lot of eyeliner.
Anyhow, tonight he sang an electro-rock version of "Born To Be Wild," and it was a little reminiscent of David Cook's "Billie Jean" from last season, only his voice is on a totally different level. The kid can croon, rock, give you soul, and hit some insane notes. He has it all vocally, and that's not the only thing he's got... Also fierce was when he went up to the back up singers and gave them some props and camera time--something that never happens on Idol. That shows that he truly understands the art; a singer is nothing without his band and his back-ups!
I'm pretty sure he's going to win this season... I hope so. I can see him going places. Like into my bedroom.
Want to know more?
Here is his Myspace.
Here is The Hollywood Gossip's page about him.
And below are a few more pics.

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